Wednesday, September 27, 2017

We do this everyday!

What do we do everyday - no matter our age, our gender, our station in get the drift?  HINT:  I did this many times today already.  And will continue to do this all day long.

No, it's not breathe (although that is a necessity of our being).  It's about decisions.  Decisions take many forms and begin either when we wake up or shortly thereafter.  Some of our decisions effect the future and some determine how we view the past.

Decisions can be automatic, bad, good, easy, indifferent, life changing (and so much more).  Yet it seems there are times when we pay no more attention to our decisions than we do to our breathing.  Why do you think that is?

It is your decision,  Make the best one!
I believe if I were asked, I would state that my intention is to make the BEST decision, every time.  And I suspect y'all would feel the same way.  If that is our intention, then why don't we do it?

Example:  Yesterday, after minimal deliberation, I decided to set my alarm for 6:00 a.m. this morning.  Since I needed to be ready to go by 7:00 a.m., this seemed like a good decision.  What I did not factor in was the number of times I would feel compelled to hit the "snooze" button before actually getting up.  While this wasn't a life changing factor, it did have me "picking up the pace" because I didn't actually get up until 6:20 a.m.  Then, when I was looking at breakfast options, I made the BEST decision since I went for the oatmeal versus all the high carb, high calorie options that were also available.  Two decisions that would impact my day before 7:30 a.m.  And I didn't even talk about the decisions on what to wear, how to respond to emails, etc.

Unfortunately, I don't always make the BEST decisions on eating choices (or life).  And when this happens, there are always consequences, some of which can be life changing.

It seems when confronted with a decision, we (speaking generally here-don't put this shoe on unless it fits) tend to think in terms of black and white, right or wrong, this or that.  Yet MANY times, we have the opportunity to think of different alternatives, we just don't.  We also fail to factor the bias inherent in all of us regarding any particular decision.  I like to say we all arrive at a situation wearing our own pair of shoes, and we change shoes all the time. 

At times, we (still general) tend to judge our decisions based on outcome.  This is giving our 20-20 hindsight full credit and we all know it contains information we might not have had when the decision was being made.  If we decide to ignore the speed limit and don't get a ticket, does that now make speeding a good decision?  Of course not.  All it makes us is lucky.  The next time the outcome may be different.

Right now our world is divided on many fronts.  And when I read about all the things where we differ, it seems each side is all or nothing.  And as we arrive at our decision, we arrive with the shoes WE are wearing at that point in time.

I don't know about you, but I have always preferred options.  This will not change for me.

Starting tomorrow, I will set my alarm for 5:30 am,  to allow for my snoozing.  It doesn't have to be get up or be late.  We need to look for options.

Until next time,

your pal,

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Don't cry because it's over

One myth I believed when I was younger (and not really that much younger) was this.  As you age, the only thing that changes is your appearance.  BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.

For the days when I still had a filter, I am thankful!
If you don't laugh, you might cry.  I have found that there are many opportunities for modification as we get older. Now, please understand, I still believe that getting older is a blessing, I am just now able to more accurately identify what is first to go.

Contrary to popular belief, hearing is NOT the first thing. At least not for me.  Recently, I have noticed that in quick succession, I have lost both tolerance and my filter. Whoops.

Tolerance is a much used word these days, and something many people strive to develop.  So how can it be that I have lost it?  Let's look at the definition.

Tolerance can be the capacity to endure pain or hardship.  I still solidly support that definition.  How about "the sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practises differing from or conflicting with one;s own"?    I am very tolerant of those difference from me - whatever the difference may be.  We are all different.  Finally, tolerance can be the act of allowing something  - and herein lies the rub.

The act of allowing something...I have some specific areas of concern.  My fuse is considerably shorter as it applies to stupidity (always struggled with that one), complaining (in the big picture of things, we have so much, and seriously, what does it change?), rudeness (I will call you out), the "gimme gimme" attitude (there is always something we can do), lying (again, now that I am missing my filter....), habitual tardiness (disrespectful), being disrespectful, (wow) and this list is not all inclusive.

Some days, aggressive drivers might make the list (depends on how many of the above were experienced prior to my driving experience).  Did I mention people who just talk to hear their own voice?  And it's generally those same people who ask for information, only to follow up with their own experience (bigger, better, greater, faster, more expensive,.....)

Wait, what about those who think nothing is good enough (until it is their own idea?)  I am on a roll now.

I just remembered how I have no tolerance for ungratefulness, for entitlement, for greediness of all things.

Yet, I would not consider myself an "intolerant" person.  Maybe up to this point, I have allowed those things to happen, considered them "noise" in the background.  So instead of losing my hearing, I am really listening now.  Maybe I am still very tolerant (big picture).  I am just now more sensitive to how it can be applied.

But the filter....GONE!

Until next time,

your pal,

Thanks (in) Giving Giving (in) Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving.  Almost considered a designated time of year, we all like to gather as a family in a variety of celebrations  (sometim...

Never a dull moment; Look past the water stains; This is out of order, there is no coincidence