Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Eyes have it!

Beginner glasses with bifocals
When I was in third grade, I failed my first test....eye test, that is.  I was soon picking out frames for my new constant companion.  And what a difference they made.  Being near sighted, I didn't notice the discrepancy in my vision close up, but once I had glasses....WOW!  Everything was so much crisper and clear.

I wore glasses with bifocals (no, they aren't just for old people) until I was in my twenties.  Then I was told that because I had been proactive with the bifocals, I no longer needed them.  It was also around that time I switched to my first pair of contacts.  What a thrill to be able to wear sunglasses and still see!!
Happy New Year glasses!

When I was 15
Not really glasses

family glasses

Aviators at 20

But the eyes are fickle creatures.  After a lifetime (well, since third grade) of being near-sighted, when I entered my early 50's I thought I was going blind.  I could no longer see up close without my contacts.  In reality, I could no longer see up close WITH my contacts.  I went to the eye doctor who told me, my vision was changing.  Instead of being near sighted, now I would soon be far sighted.


My choice (if I wanted to see) would  to wear reading glasses WITH my contacts.  Ummm, no.  Just not going to pay for both.  So it was back to glasses for me.  This time, I don't really need them to watch TV or read things from a distance.  Just close up.  So weird.

But more than just my eyes have changed.  In my humble opinion, the whole thought process around who wears glasses has changed.  Not to mention the fashion!

In my grade school years, I was called 4-eyes.  Nice.  I hated wearing glasses.  But I hated not seeing more.  I did go through a phase in junior high where I tried not to wear them.  I also went through a phase of being called by my middle name around that same time.  Neither worked for me.

Next generation glasses!
Fast forward to probably the past decade.  Now, if you don't need glasses, you can get clear lens so you can still wear them.  My daughter Marissa (who does need glasses) has invested in several pairs so she can choose, depending on her mood.  Daughter Madison used to just put on glasses for fun.  Now she is a diagnosed necessary wearer (for reading anyway).  But why stop there?  She just likes to wear them. Finally, the other day I say a picture of my niece Rachael, wearing glasses.  I had to ask - necessary or fashion. Turns out, a little of both (think Madison).

Necessity and fashion aside, as long as my eyes can see, I will be sporting a pair.

Until next time,

your pal,

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