Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What answer are you looking for?

Maybe my memory doesn't have the same recall as it did when I was younger, but I seem to remember that there used to be only one answer for every question asked.  Well, I admit there was some confusion over "feed a fever, starve a cold" and "which way the toilet paper was supposed to go on". So obviously I am being VERY general when I say one question/one answer and I am not even saying that the ONE ANSWER given was necessarily the correct answer.

But here is what I find in today's world.  If I have a question that involves morals, ethics, hair styles, parenting advice, dieting, sleep habits (anything but blatant historical facts), if at first I don't find the answer I preferred, I may need to keep looking.  Because I guarantee you, it is out there.

I am a frequent listener of pod casts (I love them).  When I am not frequenting a courtroom drama or true crime (think Dateline - audio version) I like to listen to question/answer type shows.  They cover all kinds of topics; major life issues, relationships (all kinds) etc.  A question that was sent in by a listener involved adultry.  In a nutshell, this person had an affair-it was over-it was a mistake-should they tell their significant other? This person was racked with guilt.  The two people (male and female) hosting the session absolutely agreed that this information needed to be shared.

Now, I don't have a problem with this answer but just a few days earlier on another talk type show, picture the same scenario.  (Unfortunately it seems to be a popular topic)  Except this time the answer was - No.  Absolutely not.  You are just trying to assuage your guilt at the expense of another person. Hmmm.  I don't know about you but this would be a pretty big deal to differ on.  And part of me dismisses the "topic" and wonders why anyone would trust a complete stranger with the answer anyway.

My favorite question
Thankfully I have no dog in that hunt, but it did cause me to ponder all the other types of questions, issues, concerns, that come up and subsequently the VERY diverse answers.  Particularly since we have been saturated with political and social concerns over the past (feels like) six billion years, we have all had the opportunity to hear why one issue is ABSOLUTELY right... and maybe on the next channel...ABSOLUTELY wrong.

When my sister Katy and I both had little girls within a few months of each other, we often talked about "the right way to do things".  I am sure she remembers the conversation we had regarding a particular practice with babies.  She told me her doctor recommended X while my doctor recommended Y.  Both very different directions. Without missing a beat I told her "let's just do it my way so we know we will be doing it right".

Most who know me will tell you that my attitude hasn't shifted much.  Once I believe I am on the right track, I want others to join me.....there.

So I ask you - what answer do you want?  Before you start searching, think about the question you are asking and why you are asking it.  Do you already have an answer in mind?  If you do, you will find it.  Just make sure it's the right answer.

Until next time,

your pal,

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