Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Miles to go before I sleep

Will clear 100 miles today.
October has always been a busy month for me and mine.  Just about everyone I know was born in October (or so it seems when I buy birthday cards).  We have Halloween to look forward to and the promise of fall is in the air.  For clarity - in Texas that is all we have gotten....the promise.

This month at work we have kicked off a wellness and safety campaign that I have fully embraced.  And those who know me, understand I can take a bulldog approach to anything I have deemed worthy.

So together our group is walking the "million mile month".  What does that mean to me?  And those who have the (mis)fortune of being my friends/family?  It means 3+ miles of fast walking and minimal talking during our lunch hour.  If eating is a necessity - multi-task and get it done on working hours.

Obviously, as I discussed last week, trails have become a way of life for Terry and I.  Plus don't forget the "couples" 1.5-2 mile walk every evening.

My game is full....on.  Whereas I used to be content with 10,000 steps and around 3 miles daily, my minimum now is 5 miles and since I decided on 5, I have felt the need to go 6.  Such a numbers game.

Taking it one step further is our "couples" eating habits.  We are focused on portion control, mucho veggies and sadly, no alcohol for the month of October.  I did have a friend point out to me today that this last step was probably still necessary based on "cruise" reports.  Sigh.

The other day, a lady at work very seriously said to me "When you come back from your walks, your face is all red and I just don't think that is healthy.  You will probably start losing weight" to which I responded "Say it will be so".  She ended with the comment (followed by a laugh) "your husband will have to shake out the bed sheets to find you!"  That may be my new favorite saying.

So - if you are adverse to any of what I mentioned above, it's probably best we don't see each other in October.  I can (and will) turn any meeting into a "walk and talk".  I have been known to get up during staff meetings to "go down the hall".  Translation - my Karibit just notified me I needed xx amount of steps to meet my 250 steps per hour goal.  The clock is always ticking.

Just so you know, the outlook for November could be grim.

Until next time,

Your pal,


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