Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Dating (my husband) at 58

So Terry and I (mostly me) have decided it would be a good idea to start having date nights.  Let's face it, Madison is going to graduate from high school this year and college is then just a quick summer away.  Despite her dad's best efforts, I don't see her going to the college just down the street from us (and continuing to live at home).

It's time to start getting used to "just us".  Starting out as a blended family, we never really had that type of atmosphere, so there is some concern that we won't have anything to talk about.

Keeping that in mind, I planned our first date night a couple of weeks ago.  We (again, mostly me) decided to start out with a date night every other week, and we will take turns planning it.  I thought about a movie but that eliminates all efforts at conversation.   I still thought about it (for quite a while actually) and decided that wasn't keeping with the intent of the outing.  So...I planned a dinner date at a restaurant we hadn't been to before.  It was quite nice (and as a special appeal to my husband, I even purchased a Groupon ). Terry likes a good deal.  I made a reservation for Saturday night and we were set.

Still crazy after all these years
Almost,   Leaving nothing to chance, I thought it would be good to have a conversation starter so we didn't veer off into Madison conversations, work or sports.  I saw an article that had a few questions couples could ask and share so I quickly emailed these to Terry for thoughtful consideration prior to the BIG NIGHT!  Dating didn't seem so hard when we first started out twenty years ago.

Our dinner was a three course Chef's special meal.  This was a restaurant with NO TV'S or children to be seen.   We each had an adult beverage and made small talk about the ambiance.  I noticed the fireplace and adult patronage and Terry commented on the lack of TV's. Hmmmm.  I didn't bring up the "questions" until the main course arrived.

The first one was "if you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?"  I had given this quite a bit of thought (for both of us) and was interested in Terry's response.  He looked at me and seriously said "I wish I didn't snore."  Luckily, I didn't spit the food out of my mouth at that soul searching response.  That's it...that's all you've got (is what my expression said) but I managed to croak out "Really?"  I then shared that the change I would make for myself was that I wouldn't be so defensive and I was going to try and work on this (starting right then).  He nodded approvingly.  (the thoughts that were going on in my head!!!)

No grudges
By the time we got to the question "do you hold any grudges" we were both lying.  In my head I had one main grudge I still held, ready to openly share and receive some feedback but when he looked me in the eye and said he held NO GRUDGES AGAINST ANYONE, I looked right back at him and said ME NEITHER.  GAME ON!!!  I was starting to develop a second grudge.....

The last question had to do with what have you had to "just accept" about the other person,  Well, after two glasses of wine, I might have been a little too honest on this question.  I went first and don't think Terry even answered.

We finished off the night wondering what Madison was doing...

Can't wait to see what exciting night he has planned for us this coming up weekend.  He did mention a UT men's baseball game.

I don't know everything but this is what I do know.  If it's not broke, don't fix it.

Until next time,

your pal,


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