Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Circumstances don't change...character

How many times do we try to change ourselves?  We do "makeovers" for a better look...we desperately try the latest fad to lose weight; if we smoke, many of us quit MANY times before we are  (if we are) successful.  And we do all these things to be better.  We want to be different, feel different, look different.  And if we can accomplish these things, we believe that our life will....BE DIFFERENT.

Wasn't me
And when you aren't trying to be DIFFERENT, things happen and then you are.  I remember when my son died.  I could not stand to go to any of the same places I went to Before. Obviously, I still had to show up for work, but I changed who cut my hair, I went to a different grocery store; I even rented movies (that used to happen - young folks) at a different Blockbuster.  I had to avoid people who might know me, because while I still looked the same, I was DIFFERENT (inside). I didn't try to change myself, life happened and it happened to me and now I had to do things differently so that the people who knew me, would not look at me and expect to see the same person behind the same glasses, same haircut, etc.  Because now I was DIFFERENT.

How about when we try to change people?  Even knowing what we know, we think if we can just have them with us for a little while, if we can just explain to them WHY they need to do things the way WE do them, or just watch us, or look like us, or act like us, they will finally get why they need to do things DIFFERENTLY.  And sometimes, the behavior exhibited by this person we would LOVE TO CHANGE is harmful, unhealthy, detrimental to the good of all society...yet...nothing DIFFERENT happens until that person decides they want to change.  (Just like nothing DIFFERENT happens until we want to change).

TIME OUT.  It's oh so frustrating because then life throws an unexpected curve or crisis and everyone comes together and you just KNOW that EVERYONE will now behave as they need to because if anything will bring about change for the GOOD, it will be these CIRCUMSTANCES.   But one thing that never changes is our own flawed character...regardless of circumstances.

So we vow NEVER to behave like (fill in your own blank here) because we have come so much further in our own evolution of change and it's so disrespectful to (fill in your own blank here) and how can (fill in your own blank here) be so self-centered and insensitive.

I am a "character"
Again, I have so much more to learn in this life, and by God's grace I will have the much needed time, but there is this one thing I know ......circumstances never change...character.

Until next time,

your pal,

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