Wednesday, April 15, 2015

How do YOU live in the NOW?

Then a stretcher will come from grace
and gather us up...
Lately I have been reading a book by Roger Housden called "ten poems to change your life".  All of these poems are by different authors and Mr. Housden offers an in-depth interpretation after each reading.  I have been so impressed with his interpretations, I have gone on to buy two more of his books.  But one poem was shared by Mr. Housden, by Rumi (who never wrote down a word of any of his thoughts-that was left for others to catch).  This particular poem "Zero Circle" struck a chord with me.  Big picture, he alluded to just how unmanageable life can seem.  Which got me to thinking about how we all desperately try to control the chaos of our life and never really appreciate  "the NOW".  And at random times since I have read this poem, it draws me back to "Zero Circle" - almost as if it is checking in with me..." but the message I hear is "Are you living in THE NOW"?

And I have to ask you, how the heck do you live in THE NOW?  I have been reviewing how I spend the majority of my days and I have to say, while I am always appreciative of the blessings I currently enjoy, it seems I spend a fair amount of time dwelling on the past and an even bigger portion planning for the future.

Case in point.  When I am at work, I have to do "look-backs" all the time to see what was done before and either ...NEVER DO IT AGAIN, explain why we did it that way, or (and this is the best possible scenario) replicate that past practice into something amazing.  When I am not doing that, I am staring at my calendar, trying to fit in meetings, appointments, lunches and all the things requested and required that I will then have to look forward to (sounds a bit futuristic to me).  Is that my NOW?

When we all gather around the table at night (literally, at night), we say a blessing over our food and loved ones near and far, and then WE TALK ABOUT OUR DAY.  Right back in the past.  After a thorough review, it's just a matter of minutes before someone asks "What's on tap for tomorrow..the rest of the week...etc."?  FUTURE, anyone??  Again, is that our NOW?

So when I am calling it a day and "hitting the rack", I spend several minutes in prayer.  I am almost embarrassed at this point to say that I do a pretty heavy recant of every blessing I am thankful for. Would you call that a "look-back"?  I don't know.  My asks aren't as lengthy but there might be a few (something to hope for in the FUTURE??)

While I am writing this blog, is this my NOW?  Am I missing something?? Anything?  By asking did I step outside the NOW for a minute?  It is really much more confusing than one even thinks.  I guess I will just have to close FOR NOW and go mail some birthday cards (oops, the FUTURE STRIKES AGAIN!!!)

Until next time (FUTURE),

your pal,


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