Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Support Group Needed - For a Friend.......

Let me just come right to the point.  I am discussing the needs of a friend (of course) who needs help. He started small but is now "running with the BIG DOGS"!  While there is no drain financially on his family yet, his needs are starting to become evident as his "fix" becomes more and more pervasive.  While his family is obviously aware of his problem - perhaps they have even enjoyed the fruits of his "trade" in the beginning, now that he has hit the BIG TIME, they no longer have explanations for the appurtenances found throughout their home.

Haven't we have all been there at one time in our life?  Aren't we all veterans of some type of problem - maybe even an addiction, that got the better of us?  Necessarily, one must first recognize the problem before accepting the challenge of correcting it.

Examples?  This is so easy for me.  I remember when I became addicted to watching "Breaking Bad". Already in the final season, I had a lot of catching up to do.  Unfortunately, I drew my daughter into this addiction with me.  (we can talk about poor parenting choices another time).  Bedtime rules were ignored when a tense moment called for ONE MORE EPISODE!!!  Like I said, we have all been there.  (of yeah, and I used to smoke, too).

No judging but "this friend" began small, (already mentioned) and justified his "fix" by saying "It's for charity."  After all, silent actions were all held at those fund raising dinners and his first purchases made were clearly targeted with gift giving intent.  How quickly this all escalated.

Soon it became a "winner take all" venture and may I remind everyone that the only winner in this game is the charity (an argument that I lose .....I mean my friend's family will lose, every time).

God Bless America
Who knows what SUBASTA means?  Let me enlighten you....AUCTION in espanol.  Yes, this guy has graduated to the big time (as mentioned earlier) and evidence is in abundance.  No charities involved as many times auctions are held at personal residences.  WHAT A RUSH!

As you reflect on different solutions, remember "All gave some, Some gave All" but who knows how much was given for this reminder of those who served!

Until next time,

Leave your saddle at the door,
your pal,

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